Free Trust Badge
We believe in keeping things simple. We built this app to be very easy to use with no technical skills needed. Just install, choose your badges and that's it.
Unlock over 670 premium payment badges including full-color with multiple design options to choose from. NOTE: We are regularly updating badges. Check the app for the latest selections.
Now you can easily drag and drop your trust badges nearly anywhere on your store. Just move your cursor over the area you want the badges placed and click. It opens up nearly unlimited possibilities for where your badges can be placed in your theme.
Our app handles over 500,000,000 pageviews every month and we constantly monitor server performance to make sure your badges work flawlessly.
Key Features:
- Just released - Drag & Drop
- Full-color badges with multiple designs (Premium version)
- Add badges to multiple pages
- Simple setup in just two minutes
- Fully customizable
- No code installed in your theme
- Built to scale to any size store
- Top quality support
See on Shopify App Store