Ultimate Trust Badges
Conversion Bear
Ultimate Trust Badges app is trusted by over 30,000 businesses in 90 countries. +300 free badges that match your store's design. Customize your message, colors (!), alignment, size and more!
Trust badges increase customer trust, allowing your customers to shop with confidence. Encourage customers to remain in your store by winning their trust in seconds. Let them know you have a secure checkout. Display trust badges to ease your customers’ fears and motivate them to purchase your product.
Key Features:
- No theme code added!
- Fast CDN based performance.
- Ultimate Trust Badges is free to use, no hidden fees.
- Hundreds of trust badges in a variety of segments: Credit Card Providers, Banks, Currencies and much more.
- Custom trust tagline that works with anywebsite language.
- Easy design settings that let you control badge size, color and style.
- Auto styling to support as many badges as you want.
- Place your badges on any page in any section (cart / footer / hero / product page) with 1 click copy paste.
- Concierge setup.
- Request a badge.
- Less than 30kb app size.
- Colorful Badge Options to Match Your Store
- Increase Customer Trust with Badges to Boost Sales
- Easy 2 Minute Setup - Developer Free - No Code Added!
- Mobile Ready
- Around the Clock Support
See on Shopify App Store