Search and product filter
SMART SEARCH & PRODUCT FILTER is trusted by thousands of Shopify merchants, our quick and accurate search & filter app dramatically improves customer experience and boosts sales.
The instant search feature provides unprecedented responsiveness, accuracy, and speed with which search results appear. The app seamlessly integrates with your existing search bar and converts inaccurate and misspelled searches into more sales.
Search page & collection filters (filter by tags, size, brand, collection, product type, etc) complement the search feature with the smart filter experience that helps find products even more easily, generating more sales.
Search filter app has instant access to every corner of your Shopify store. In addition to collections, pages, and blog posts, it analyzes product properties such as titles, descriptions, SKUs, options, and tags. The more data is taken into account, the more robust and effective your custom search will be.
Key Features:
- Search-as-You-Type with Real-Time Suggestions
- Your Product Will Be Found, One Way or Another
- Search Analytics
- Options for Promotion
- Search Results Customization
- Multi-Language Support
- Proven to Increase Your Store’s Conversion Rates