Appointment Booking App
SidePanda's app for appointment booking is one of the highest rated among other similar apps. The app offers booking features, event, and calendars for Shopify merchants. Let shoppers book the time for appointment or allow multiple booking days which can be beneficial for businesses that deal with rentals. Moreover, the app helps to set up automated notifications which help to confirm bookings, reschedule events, cancel events, and other options in order to stay in touch with your site users. App has multiple other features which are helpful to group meetings, because the app integrates with Google and Microsoft calendars.
Allow your customers to book a certain time with you e.g Store Appointments or allow them to book multiple days e.g Rental Business.
Setup automated emails / text for reminders, booking confirmations, rescheduling, cancellation, thank you and feedback for your customers.
Supports Group Appointments, Google / Microsoft Calendar Integrations, Additional Team Members, Manual Bookings, Translations and much more.
Key Features:
- Email Reminders & Notifications
- Multi Language Support
- One Simplified Calendar
- Custom Booking Rules
- Group Appointments
- Multi Day Booking
- 2-way Calendar Integration
- Teams Feature
- Complete Shopify Theme Compatibility
- Export Bookings
- Automated Zoom Integration