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Important Figures on eCommerce Reviews

February 16, 2023
important figures on ecommerce reviews
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There are several important figures related to eCommerce reviews that can be used to evaluate the overall performance and customer satisfaction of a product or service. But before we dive into that let’s find out why eCommerce reviews are important.

Why Reviews Are Important?

eCommerce reviews are a vital aspect of any online store. As a customer, have you ever looked at a product and wondered whether it's as good as it looks? Well, that's where reviews come in handy! They give customers a glimpse into the real-world experiences of other buyers, helping them make informed purchasing decisions.

Research has shown that customers are willing to spend 31% more on products with "excellent" reviews. That's why eCommerce reviews are crucial for businesses - they provide social proof that customers can rely on, and help build trust in a brand. Additionally, reviews can also help eCommerce businesses to improve their products and services, as they provide valuable feedback on what customers like and what they don't.

If you're running an eCommerce store, there are several important figures to keep in mind when it comes to reviews. These include the following:

  1. Average rating
  2. Number of reviews
  3. Review distribution
  4. Review sentiment
  5. Repeat purchases
  6. Responses from the seller

These figures can provide valuable insights into the performance of a product or service and can help eCommerce store owners to improve their offerings and customer satisfaction. if you're running an eCommerce store, make sure to encourage your customers to leave reviews, and use the feedback to improve your offerings and enhance the customer experience! Now let’s see how.

Average rating

Source amazon

The average rating, also known as the mean rating, is a commonly used method to gauge the performance and customer satisfaction of a product or service. The average rating provides a quick and straightforward method for evaluating the overall customer experience. A high average rating suggests that the majority of customers are satisfied with the product or service, while a low rating may indicate that customers have experienced dissatisfaction.

It is important to note that, even though the average rating is a good metric to get an overall understanding of customer satisfaction, it's important to consider reading the reviews, especially the negative ones, as they can provide valuable feedback on how to improve the product or service.

Number of Reviews


The number of reviews is another important figure related to eCommerce reviews. One study showed that product sales are 270% more likely to be sold if the product has at least 5 reviews. It represents the total number of reviews for a specific product or service. A higher number of reviews can indicate that a product is popular and in demand.

The number of reviews can also be used as a proxy for the level of customer engagement. A high number of reviews can indicate that customers are actively engaged with the product or service and are willing to take the time to leave feedback, while a low number of reviews can indicate that customers are less engaged or less interested in the product or service.

It's important to note that, while the number of reviews is an important metric, it's important to also consider the average rating of the reviews, as well as the review distribution, to get a more complete picture of customer satisfaction. Additionally, a high number of reviews doesn't necessarily indicate a high-quality product, as fake reviews can be posted. It's always recommended to check for the authenticity of the reviews.

Review Distribution


Review distribution can help to provide a more complete picture of customer satisfaction than just looking at the average rating alone. Review distribution can also help to identify areas of improvement for a product or service. For example, if a product has a low number of 5-star reviews and a high number of 1-star reviews, it would indicate that customers are generally dissatisfied with the product and that improvements need to be made.

The distribution of customer reviews can serve as a useful tool in determining the areas that require improvement in a product or service. A pattern of low 5-star reviews and high 1-star reviews suggests a general dissatisfaction among customers, indicating the need for improvements.

Overall, review distribution can be a valuable metric for understanding customer satisfaction and identifying areas of improvement for a product or service. Store owners can use this metric to make data-driven decisions and improve their products and services to increase customer satisfaction and sales.

Review Sentiment


Review sentiment can be a valuable metric for understanding customer satisfaction and identifying areas of improvement for a product or service. For example, if many reviews have a negative sentiment, it could indicate that customers are generally dissatisfied with the product or service and that improvements need to be made. On the other hand, if many reviews have a positive sentiment, it could indicate that customers are generally satisfied with the product or service and that it is performing well.

There are different ways to measure the sentiment of the review, one of the most common is by using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, which can help to automatically classify the sentiment of reviews. Sentiment analysis tools can be used to analyze large numbers of reviews quickly and accurately and can provide store owners with valuable insights into customer sentiment.

It's important to note that, while review sentiment analysis can be a valuable metric, you also have to consider the average rating of the reviews, as well as the review distribution, to get a more complete picture of customer satisfaction. Additionally, sentiment analysis is not always 100% accurate, as the sentiment of the language used in the review can be subjective.

Repeat Purchase


The repeat purchase parameter refers to the percentage of customers who have made more than one purchase from a business. Repeat purchases can be an important metric for businesses as repeat customers tend to be more valuable than new customers. Repeat customers are more likely to spend more money, be more loyal, and be likely to recommend the business to others.

Tracking repeat purchase rates can help businesses to understand how well they are retaining customers and identify areas for improvement. For example, if a business has a high repeat purchase rate, it could indicate that the business is providing a high level of customer satisfaction and that customers are happy with the products or services being offered. On the other hand, if a business has a low repeat purchase rate, it could indicate that the business needs to improve customer satisfaction and retention.

There are several ways to increase repeat purchase rates, one of them could be by offering loyalty programs, discounts, or special promotions for repeat customers. Another way could be by providing excellent customer service and follow-up communication after the purchase.

Businesses can use this metric to understand how well they are retaining customers and identify areas for improvement in order to increase customer satisfaction and increase repeat purchases.

Seller Responses


The "responses from the seller" parameter refer to the percentage or amount of customer reviews that have received a response from the seller. Responding to such reviews can be an important way for businesses to show that they value customer feedback and are willing to address any issues or concerns that customers may have.

Responding to customer reviews can also help to build trust and credibility with potential customers. When a business responds to customer reviews, it demonstrates that the business is actively engaged with its customers and is willing to address any issues or concerns that they may have.

This method can also provide businesses with valuable insights into customer sentiment and identify areas for improvement. By analyzing customer reviews and addressing any common issues or concerns that customers may have, businesses can improve the customer experience and increase customer satisfaction.

Responses from the seller parameter demonstrate that the business is actively engaged with its customers and is willing to address any issues or concerns that they may have. This can help to build trust and credibility with potential customers and provide businesses with valuable insights into customer sentiment.

Businesses that respond to customer reviews can boost trust and credibility with potential customers, by demonstrating a commitment to addressing concerns and valuing feedback.

How Do You Encourage Users To Leave Reviews At Your eCommerce Store?

Encouraging users to leave reviews at an eCommerce store is an important aspect of building customer trust and improving the store's reputation. There are several strategies that store owners can use to encourage customers to leave reviews, including the following:

  • Provide excellent customer service: Satisfied customers are more likely to leave positive reviews. By providing exceptional customer service, store owners can increase the likelihood of receiving positive reviews.
  • Make the review process easy: Make sure the process for leaving a review is straightforward and easy for customers to follow.
  • Offer incentives: Some stores offer incentives such as discounts or special promotions to customers who leave reviews. This can be an effective way to encourage customers to take the time to leave a review.
  • Ask for reviews: A simple request for customers to leave a review can go a long way. Store owners can include a request for a review in follow-up emails or on social media platforms.
  • Respond to reviews: Responding to reviews, whether positive or negative, shows customers that their opinions matter and can encourage them to leave additional reviews in the future.

By implementing these strategies, store owners can encourage customers to leave reviews and improve the overall reputation of their eCommerce store.

What Would Be An Alternative for eCommerce Reviews?

  • Customer Feedback Surveys could be an alternative to eCommerce reviews. Feedback surveys are a way for businesses to gather detailed information about customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. Surveys can be used to gather feedback on a wide range of topics, such as product quality, customer service, and overall satisfaction.
  • User-generated content (UGC) could be another alternative. UGC is any form of content created by customers and shared on the company's website or social media platforms. This type of content can include product photos, videos, or written reviews, and can be a valuable way for businesses to showcase customer satisfaction and provide social proof.
  • Customer testimonials in the form of written or video statements from satisfied customers are a crucial aspect of building trust and credibility. With their unbiased and third-party endorsement of a business and its offerings, they can have a powerful impact on the business and its products or services.
  • Social media platforms can also be used as an alternative, as they allow customers to share their experiences and opinions about a business and its products or services. Social media reviews can be a valuable way for businesses to understand customer sentiment and identify areas for improvement.

While eCommerce reviews are a popular way for customers to share their opinions about products and services, each of the mentioned alternatives can provide valuable information and insights to help improve the customer experience from a different perspective.

What Would Be The Future Of eCommerce Reviews?

The future of eCommerce reviews is likely to involve a continued focus on providing more detailed and accurate information to customers, as well as greater transparency and accountability for both customers and businesses.

One trend that is likely to continue is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) to analyze and understand customer reviews. These technologies can help to automatically classify the sentiment of reviews and identify key themes and issues, providing businesses with valuable insights into customer sentiment. Additionally, AI can also be used to assist customers to find the products or services that best match their needs and preferences by analyzing reviews, ratings, and browsing history.

Another trend that is likely to become more prevalent is the use of video reviews. As internet speeds and access to high-quality video technology continue to improve, it is likely that more customers will start to use video reviews to provide more detailed and accurate information about products or services.

Social proof, by using reviews, ratings, and endorsements from other customers, will also continue to be an important aspect of eCommerce in the future. Businesses will have to ensure that their reviews are trustworthy and unbiased and that they provide an accurate representation of customer satisfaction.

Overall, the future of eCommerce reviews is likely to involve a continued focus on providing more detailed and accurate information to customers, as well as greater transparency and accountability for both customers and businesses. The use of technology like AI, NLP, and video reviews will become more prevalent and provide a more detailed and accurate picture of customer satisfaction.

A great tool to start exploring eCommerce Reviews


Growave is an all-in-one marketing app for Shopify stores that can help with handling eCommerce reviews. Some of the ways it can serve well for someone who is looking for an app that handles eCommerce reviews include:

  1. Review Management: Growave allows store owners to easily manage and respond to reviews from one centralized platform. This feature can help to increase customer engagement and trust by showing that the store takes customer feedback seriously.
  2. Review Importing: The app allows store owners to import reviews from various platforms, such as Trustpilot, Google, and Facebook, which can help to increase the number of reviews for a product and provide a more complete picture of customer satisfaction.
  3. Review Widget: Growave's review widget allows store owners to display reviews on their websites in an attractive and customizable format, which can help to increase customer trust and sales.
  4. Review Reminder: The app includes a review reminder feature, which sends automated follow-up emails to customers after a purchase, encouraging them to leave a review. This can help to increase the number of reviews for a product and provide a more complete picture of customer satisfaction.
  5. Review Reports: The app provides detailed reports on reviews, including the average rating, number of reviews, and review distribution, which can help store owners quickly and easily evaluate the performance and customer satisfaction of their products.
  6. Review Moderation: The app allows store owners to moderate reviews, which means they can approve or disapprove the reviews before they are displayed on the website. This can help to ensure that only high-quality, relevant reviews are shown to customers.

Overall, Growave can serve well as an eCommerce review management app for store owners looking to increase customer engagement, trust, and sales by managing and displaying reviews in an effective way. With its various features like review management, import, widget, reminder, moderation, and reports, store owners can have better control over the reviews and can make data-driven decisions to improve their products and services. Additionally, the app can help to increase the number of reviews for a product, which can provide a more complete picture of customer satisfaction and help store owners make informed decisions about their products and services.


eCommerce reviews are an important tool for businesses to understand customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. Key review parameters that businesses should consider include the average rating of reviews, the number of reviews, the distribution of reviews, the sentiment of reviews, star ratings, repeat purchases, and responses from the seller. Among these parameters, the average rating of reviews and the number of reviews are considered the most important parameters to evaluate the performance of a product or service. Growave app can serve well for someone who looks for an app that handles eCommerce reviews, by providing businesses with valuable insights into customer sentiment and helping to increase customer satisfaction and repeat purchases.

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Frequently asked questions

Do Reviews impact SEO?

Reviews are excellent for SEO and make your shop stand out. They can be used to build your website's profile and can featured across your marketing channels.

How do Reviews look like in store?

Reviews are generally seen under products, on dedicated pages or as pop-up widgets. Reviews can also be used in emails and often feature on social media or search engines. They can be customized to improve their appearance and often have additonal features that improve your control over how they are displayed.

Can you import/export Reviews data?

Reviews are important for ecommerce business and therefore should be importable/exportable. You can manage your review data by creating CSV files allowing you to save your data for future use.

Do Reviews have a Q&A function?

Reviews include an important Q&A feature which allows you resolve commonly asked questions before they're asked. This can improve your understanding of customer needs and set yourself on the right track for the future.

Can you customize your review requests?

Reviews can be fully customized to include your branding, the contents of your email notifications, the layout of your requests and other features that combine that can be combined with rewards.

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