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How to Get Traffic to your Shopify Store

September 13, 2023
How to Drive Traffic to Shopify Store
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With the emergence of platforms like Shopify, ecommerce has been expanding quickly, making it simpler than ever for both individuals and companies to launch online stores. As of 2023, there are more than 4.4 million online stores that are currently active and using the Shopify platform. As the number of Shopify stores keeps climbing every year, so does the competition. Given the highly-competitive nature of the ecommerce world, attracting traffic becomes a top priority. The secret to Shopify success isn’t just about having great products; it’s about being noticed. In the vast digital marketplace, visibility is currency. If your Shopify store isn't attracting as many customers as you'd like, the issue could be related to traffic. But you must remember, not all website traffic has the same value. And we’ll talk about it later. The burning question is “how to get traffic to your Shopify store?” and addressing this crucial query can be a difference between a thriving business and a struggling one. Luckily for you, we know the effective methods to achieve it. 

So, here’s a sneak peek into what we’ll be discussing in this post: 

  1. What are the Major Sources of Traffic for Ecommerce and Shopify stores?
  2. How to Drive Traffic to Shopify Store?

What are the Major Sources of Traffic for Ecommerce and Shopify Stores?

Traffic sources in ecommerce refer to the various channels and methods by which website visitors access your online store. Understanding these ecommerce traffic sources is important because it helps you identify which channels are most effective in driving traffic and sales, allowing you to optimize your marketing strategy accordingly. 

Here are the main sources of traffic in eCommerce and Shopify:

Direct traffic

Direct traffic refers to users who access your online shop by directly typing your URL into the address bar of their browser or by using a bookmark. These users have already heard about your business or website. They are your loyal customers. 

Organic Search Traffic

Organic traffic is the amount of website visitors who come to your ecommerce website via organic (or unpaid) search engine results. Search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo are the source of this organic traffic. So, when users enter a query related to your products and services, and your website appears in the search results, the visitors you get from those clicks are referred to as organic search traffic. 

Paid Search Traffic (PPC)

Paid search traffic is traffic that results from paid advertising campaigns on search engines such as Google Ads or Bing Ads. You pay for each click that leads to your ecommerce website. PPC is typically viewed as a short-term investment. 

Social Media Traffic 

Social media traffic is defined as all visitors who come to your ecommerce website or Shopify store from social media. 

Email Traffic 

Email traffic, as you might have guessed, is traffic that comes from email marketing campaigns, newsletters, or any other email communications that direct recipients to your ecommerce store. Email traffic can tell how engaged your customers are. 

Affiliate Traffic 

Affiliate traffic is traffic that originates from affiliate marketers who market your products and services on their websites, blogs or social media accounts in exchange for commission on each sale or action taken through their referral. 

Display Advertising Traffic  

Display advertising traffic is traffic that comes from banners, video ads or any other visual advertisements placed on other websites. 

Influencer Traffic 

Influencer traffic is traffic that comes from collaborations with influencers who promote your products and services to their followers. 

Ecommerce and Shopify merchants can more efficiently spend their marketing budget, give priority to channels that generate the highest return on investment, and continuously improve their marketing strategy by knowing how each traffic sources performs. For example, if you see that a particular platform is driving a lot of traffic, you might want to increase your advertising spend there. Or if a specific article is attracting more website traffic and visitors, you can produce more of that content to attract and engage your audience. By monitoring different traffic sources, you might discover new channels where your target audience is active. Understanding your traffic sources is crucial as it informs key business decisions, from shaping marketing strategies to guiding content creation and optimizing website design. Traffic source is an essential aspect of digital analytics and online business management

How to Drive Traffic to Shopify Store? 

In the bustling world of e-commerce, having an online shop is only half of the battle. The real challenge lies in attracting potential customers to your online store, ensuring consistent footfall, and converting visits into sales. For people who use Shopify as their ecommerce platform, understanding and increasing Shopify traffic becomes paramount. 

Before we unveil the secrets to boosting your Shopify store’s visibility, let’s go on a journey together to understand the definition of “Shopify traffic”. Imagine a busy digital marketplace, where every click, every visit, is a potential customer walking through your virtual storefront. This stream of visitors, from casual browsers to enthusiastic online shoppers, is what we call Shopify traffic. It’s the lifeblood of your online store, pulsating with opportunities. Now, wouldn’t you want to know how to generate traffic to your Shopify store? Let’s dive in! 

Boost Trustworthiness to Drive Steady Traffic

Making your site trustworthy is a fundamental aspect of generating more traffic and conversions for any online store, including those on Shopify. Why is it important? When your customers perceive your site as trustworthy, they are more likely to visit, engage with its content and make a purchase. More website visitors mean more customers!

How to make your site trustworthy?

To answer these questions you need to know what makes your website appear untrustworthy. 

  • Seeing a “Not secure” warning in Chrome
  • Overly-complex domain name
  • Poor Design

Seeing a "Not Secure" warning in Chrome

Source: Check if a site's connection is secure

As the number of online shoppers keeps growing every day not many users are feeling secure. Back in 2014, Google recommended that sites use the HTTPS protocol.

Security has always been their top priority, and if you want to have a trustworthy, Google-friendly website then you need to switch to HTTPS. Google loves HTTPS - sites. The fact that Google uses HTTPS as a ranking signal shows how important it is to switch from HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure).

With Shopify, you don’t have to worry about buying an SSL certificate, because it includes one on all plans. 

How can you tell if a website has an SSL certificate?

When you see the small black padlock icon next to the site name at the top of the page, you know that the site is secure to visit. It lowers the risk of phishing and cyber-attacks and it also improves your ranking in search engines. This is an example of a secure page.

Overly-Complex Domain Name

Overly-complex domain names can be a problem because it is difficult for users to remember them. Your domain name is a unique identifier of your ecommerce website on the Internet so it would be better if you keep it simple, short, and catchy. You want people to remember it so they can easily find it and access your site without mistyping it. Choosing the right domain name is crucial for your website traffic. Use no more than 2-3 words for a good SEO-friendly domain name. Think carefully while selecting one for your online store. 

If you're aiming to connect with an American audience, consider opting for .us domain extension. For businesses based in Great Britain, the .uk domain extension is a fitting choice. Meanwhile, those in Germany might find the .de domain more resonant with their local audience. Your domain name should clearly reflect what your website is about. It should be the same as your business name or close to it. If you own a coffee shop, you can add your street name or city to your domain name.

There are various domain extensions such as .com, .net, .store, .io, etc. Stick with .com because it is a widely recognized extension. It’s cheaper and is more trustworthy. As of June 2023, nearly half (47.8%) of all global websites use the “.com” domain extension. Even though Google isn’t using the extensions as ranking factors, .com remains the best option for most businesses. It is the most common extension which can be used globally for all purposes. It’s better for SEO, marketing, and reputation. Dot-com domain extensions are easy to remember. It’s also worth noting that most smartphone keyboards have a .com button. 

Poor Design

Your poorly designed Shopify store can drive traffic away. In today’s digital landscape, it’s essential to have a website that not only distinguishes you from the sea of existing brands but also captivates and entices your target audience to choose your offerings. As a Shopify merchant, you should prioritize your store’s design. It’s the face of your company and it’s the first element of interaction with your potential customer. It is important to make a great first impression because you won’t get a second chance to do it. You should design your website in a way that makes it understandable and user-friendly to all. Your online store must be easy to navigate. Clear layouts can improve user experience, making it easier for visitors to find what they’re looking for. Choose the right categories that your users may want to see. Make sure that you add a search bar to your website. It is a useful tool because it helps your “soon-to-be” customers find what they want. Your Call-to-action buttons are equally important. They tell your website visitors, what to do next. Don’t forget to add social share buttons to your Shopify store. They can help you drive more traffic to your website, complement your content, and boost customer engagement. Choose the right colors for your e-commerce website. Make sure they align with your brand concept. Become familiar with Shopify themes to make your pages look visually appealing. With the rise of mobile browsing, a mobile responsive design should become one of your top priorities. It ensures that users on all devices have a seamless experience, reducing bounce rates. 

Good design often means optimized graphics and streamlined code, leading to quicker page loads which are favored by search engines and users alike. Your website design has a direct impact on your Google search ranking. The higher your search engine ranking, the more traffic you will drive to your website.

So if you are on a journey of starting your own Shopify business or already have one, here’s an example of beautifully-designed Shopify stores: 

Source: Allbirds

Tim Brown, a footballer, and Zoey Zwillinger, an engineer, co-founded Allbirds, a shoe brand that prioritizes eco-friendly materials and sustainability. They’ve managed to create a beautifully designed website and the high-quality of their products won’t let you get disappointed. We’ve already mentioned how clear CTAs are important for the website design and Allbirds definitely know a thing or two about CTAs. Phrases like “Get 'Em While It's Hot. Shop New to Sale Shoes” and "The New Tee Collection Is Live-In Ready" are clear CTAs that encourage visitors to explore and purchase products. 

Having a nicely designed website is super important and if your website doesn't have a clean, sharp, and reliable appearance, you can forget about attracting traffic, generating conversions, and making sales. A poorly designed website can result in slow load times, and quick page loading is crucial. 


This online store prominently features the slogan "WE DIDN'T INVENT DENIM, WE JUST MADE IT COMFY," which effectively communicates the brand's unique selling proposition of offering comfortable jeans. Fitjeans uses high-quality images for their products, enhancing the overall shopping experience and giving online shoppers a clear view of what they're buying. Overall, the website design is clean and user-friendly and it is easily one of the best-looking stores on Shopify. 

These modern, beautifully designed Shopify stores may serve you as an inspiration. Having a beautifully designed website has a lot of benefits and when it is easy to use and navigate it can affect your online presence which includes website traffic, bounce rates, and conversion rates. You are responsible for how your site looks and a nice design does matter. An outdated website design can seriously hurt your online business. It can negatively affect your website traffic, conversion rates, online sales, customer loyalty, and brand reputation. The best thing about having a nice modern design, it is great for user experience. Your web design and user experience are a match made in heaven. They are closely connected and a great user experience leads to conversions. 

When creating your Shopify store, follow this formula:

Incorporating this formula into your Shopify store's design strategy can help you create a compelling, user-friendly, and search engine-friendly online shopping experience. Keep in mind that design is an ongoing process, and regularly updating and optimizing your store based on user feedback and evolving design trends is essential for long-term success. Of course, graphics, and animated elements can make your website look great but you don't want to overwhelm your visitors with them. You need to find a balance between using too much and too little. Too much animation can impact your website's load time and a slow-loading website provides a poor user experience.

Your online store’s design plays a pivotal role in creating a positive first impression, ensuring that visitors remain engaged and are more likely to explore further. With a well-designed Shopify store, you can enhance user experience and boost search engine rankings, directly influencing web traffic and conversion rates.

Leverage Blogging and Guest Posting for Organic Traffic 

Does Shopify have a blog option? 

Is Shopify good for blogging? 

These are frequently asked questions that intrigue numerous Shopify store owners. Before we explain how blogging can help you increase your Shopify traffic, let's answer them. 

Shopify is primarily designed as an e-commerce platform, but each Shopify store has a built-in blogging feature. How can you not love Shopify? It really has all the features you need and 3rd party apps that can help you improve your online shop. Is it good for blogging? It is good. Although its blogging tools are basic compared to dedicated blogging platforms like WordPress or Webflow, they are sufficient for ecommerce businesses that want to share updates, news, or articles related to their products or niche. 

Adding a blog to your Shopify store and regularly publishing high-quality content can significantly enhance growth opportunities. It is also one of the best ways to generate organic traffic to your Shopify store. Even now, blogging remains a cost-effective marketing strategy and has never been more important. It serves as an ideal platform to address queries about your products. Ensure your blog isn't just about promoting your products. Aim for a balanced tone without sounding overly commercial. 

Writing high-quality relevant articles are a key for boosting Shopify traffic.  To give valuable content, you need to understand what your target audience is searching for on search engines. What are the keywords they use when searching for products, services and topics related to your business? Where and how to use keywords? What do your customers like? What’s trending? To put it in another way, you need to write topics with good SEO potential. 

So, if you want to increase traffic, start by writing high-quality content. What is high-quality content? That’s a good question. It’s easy to say that you need to create great content but creating content isn’t easy and it takes time.

Before answering this question, let’s see how Google evaluates your content’s quality because Google decides which websites have good content and which don’t. The definition of high-quality content changes depending on the type of site. However, according to Google’s Webmaster Guidelines, there are basic principles you should keep in mind when writing high-quality content.

  • Write content for people, not search engines
  • Do not deceive your users
  • Stay away from tricks to improve search engine rankings
  • Your content must be unique, valuable, and engaging
  • Use relevant keywords in prominent spots like the title, main heading, alt text, and link text for better content visibility
How to produce high-quality content?

Let's start with the definition:

What is high-quality content? High-quality content is that which offers value to your audience. Tailored to a specific niche, it targets a particular audience and answers the searcher’s query. Such content provides solutions to problems and serves as a magnet for increased traffic. It's the kind of content that you’d eagerly share with other people or save for later. That defines quality content. 

As you can see in the picture above, high-quality content should be: 

Relevant: Content should be pertinent to your niche, targeted at a specific audience, and answer the searcher's queries.

Readable: Ensure your content is easily digestible, using simple language. Divide the text into parts to make it scannable. Use subheadings, images, quotes, and videos to break up your information.

Original and Valuable: Quality content on a website or blog requires original and valuable content because Google doesn’t like duplicate content and neither do your customers. 

Educational and Helpful: Aim to teach and assist your audience, offering solutions to their problems without being overly promotional.

SEO-friendly: Optimize your content with relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and internal linking to improve search engine rankings.

One of the most popular sportswear brands among young people Gymshark knows a thing or two about eCommerce and blogging. Their blog “Gymshark central” is packed with useful articles that cover almost every facet of training, meal preparation, and gym clothing. These articles are relevant and provide value to their readers. For example, you want to spice up your workout with different squat variations. You type “squat alternatives” in the search box and voila, you get an article dedicated to this topic.

Source: Gymshark

Don’t try to sell your products in every blog post. It can hurt your e-commerce business. Have you noticed that people on Gymshark avoid being too salesy? They just know that their first-time visitors aren’t always ready to make a purchase. Sometimes they search for the information they can’t easily find elsewhere on the web. That’s why you should keep your blog posts informative. Provide value. Make sure your blog post answers your reader’s questions. When you publish high-quality blog content, your readers are more likely to return to your website. 

Suggested reading: Best eCommerce Blogs

More web traffic, fewer bounce rates, and more conversions are all benefits of knowing how to produce quality content but no matter what type of content you write, you need to make sure that your customers need this information. The easiest way to understand how your potential customers will find it is just by doing a Google search. When you type words into the search box, the search engine will give you hints about what topics your readers like to read about. You also need to pay attention to the “Related” section at the bottom of the page. 

Keyword research and SEO tools are your secret weapons in the digital realm. They don't just help you discover exact match and phrase match keywords; they unlock a treasure trove of ideas based on your initial thoughts. 

With apps like Ahrefs and Semrush you can elevate your content game to the next level and increase organic website traffic. 

Source: Ahrefs
Source: Semrush

Focus on long-tail keywords to significantly boost traffic to your Shopify store. Avoid highly competitive keywords and always check their "keyword difficulty". The greater the keyword difficulty, the tougher it is to appear on Google's first page. Remember, selecting the right keywords can enhance your site's visibility and sales. Ensure you select the appropriate keywords for both your blog posts and your entire website. Choosing between Ahrefs and Semrush is difficult. Both have their unique strengths, so it ultimately depends on your specific needs and the budget. Take your time to evaluate both before making a decision. They are worth the investment. 

Improve Organic Traffic with Guest Blogging

Guest blogging, also known as guest posting, is another effective marketing tool. It is a perfect way to drive traffic to your Shopify store. With a self-explanatory name it’s not hard to guess what guest blogging means. Guest blogging is the practice of writing blog posts for other websites. Creating original and fresh guest posts can boost your website's traffic. There aren't strict guidelines regarding the frequency of guest posting. Nevertheless, guest posting remains a reliable off-page SEO technique with a long-standing track record. Typically, the author's name and website are included in the guest blogger's bio, allowing viewers to click the link and explore the linked page.

What is the difference between a guest post and a blog post?

What are the benefits of guest posting?

  • Enhanced brand recognition within your target audience, resulting in increased visibility
  • Expansion of your audience, gaining more subscribers and social media followers
  • Establishment of online authority in your niche
  • Development of valuable business connections and potential job opportunities
  • A boost in quality traffic directed to your website
  • An increase in leads and user engagement

When you write a guest post for an authoritative website you can increase your own level of credibility. One of the biggest advantages guest blogging has is the quality of web traffic. It means that you will get customers that are interested in what you can offer. These customers are more likely to buy your products and services. Guest blogging also makes it easier to build new relationships in your industry.

There are two things you need to consider when it comes to guest posting. They are:

  1. You need to find a website that suits your niche the best and accepts guest posts. How to find them? Again, Google may seem to have an answer to your question. Type “write for us – digital marketing” or “digital marketing blogs that accept guest posts” into the search box and you’ll get an answer.
  2. You need to write quality content because your goal is to stand out from the millions of other Shopify blogs. You need to provide real value and write things people want to read.

Both blogging and guest blogging are invaluable marketing resources you shouldn't overlook. Recognize their potential to boost your e-commerce business, as they can notably enhance your site's traffic and elevate sales. It's important to integrate a blog into your Shopify store. With a consistent and effective approach, the outcomes will undoubtedly uplift you.

Suggested reading: Blogging for Ecommerce: 6 Reasons to Start a Blog

Boost Shopify Traffic Using Social Media Strategies

Social Media and Shopify are interdependent, and they just go together like ketchup & mustard, cookies & milk, spaghetti, and meatballs. Do you know what I mean? 

E-commerce is an industry that demands a digital approach, and if you want to get your Shopify store in front of your targeted audience, then social media presence is a must. The larger your social media presence, the more consistent social media traffic you can get to your website. As we live in the digital era, where almost everyone has a social media account, we cannot imagine our lives without communication technology.

Today everything is possible through social media and modern technology. Khaby Lame is a perfect example. This Senegalese TikTok influencer is absolutely killing it! He has become famous for reacting to incredibly complicated and ridiculous life-hack videos without saying a single word. The silent genius of a young man earns millions and he’s living his best life. He is now the most-followed star on TikTok.  

Source: Khaby Lame

By collaborating with different influencers you can reach a wider audience, boost your brand visibility and credibility. But not all of the influencers are equal. Different influencers have varying price points for their services. With an impressive following of 161.9M people, Khaby Lame is undoubtedly a VIP influencer.

People spend most of their time on the Internet, working, doing research, watching videos, shopping online, reading content, and connecting with other people on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and etc. Each social network is unique and so are the rules. The content you share on social media says everything about your brand. With every comment, retweet, upvote, and share, you increase your brand awareness.

Why Social Media is so important for your online business?

1.  It’s a path to increased website traffic

2. More website traffic equals more sales

3. It can boost your customer loyalty

4. It can enhance your ecommerce brand awareness

Promoting your products and services is vital for your business but you need to know how to do it right. Don’t tell customers that your products and services are the best on the market. They have heard this phrase a million times before.

Focus on the Social Media Platforms That Drive the Most Traffic

Social networks are one of the best sources of high-quality targeted web traffic today. One of the best social media sites you can use for driving traffic to your website is Facebook. It is still the most popular social networking site and it’s just too big to ignore. You can use this social networking site to talk about your business, products, and the services you are providing. Without a doubt, this platform is the undisputed champ of social media. Just look at the number of daily active users it has. With 3.03 billion daily active users, Facebook is tough to beat. 

Facebook has the biggest audience of all social media platforms worldwide. It combines different types of media aspects, such as messenger, text, photos, and videos. If you want to increase your website traffic, I suggest you study your company’s Facebook page. Make sure you have a website link on your Facebook page.

One of Facebook’s main benefits is how specific you can get with your advertisements. You can reach your audience by location, demographics, interests, behavior, and connections.

For example, Adidas targeted people who were interested in soccer (football) with a Facebook advertising campaign, during the 2010 world cup in South Africa. According to the case study, their Facebook page reached over 1 million users and improved brand awareness by between 8% – 21%.

You can also add a blog’s article URL to your Facebook’s post but you have to make sure that your post is public. Try to post regularly and engage with your online audience. You can also ask them questions but keep them short and relevant to your content. You can ask people to give their opinion on a certain issue. Put your videos to good use as they are good for driving traffic, gaining new followers, and boosting your sales. Write captivating titles using the right keywords, and then write attention-grabbing video descriptions.

Use YouTube to Get Organic Traffic to Your Shopify Store

YouTube, a leading social media platform, boasts 2.6 million daily users, offering a vast global reach. Many individuals favor videos over text for product information, as they're more digestible and engaging. In fact, 73 %of customers prefer to watch a short video about products and services, and viewers retain 95% of a video's message.

Videos are not only the most captivating form of social media content but also a powerful sales tool. 70% of marketers report higher conversions with video, and 87% have seen a boost in website traffic due to video marketing.

The data shows the importance of integrating YouTube into your digital plan. For businesses aiming to boost traffic, enhance customer engagement, elevate brand recognition, and drive sales, YouTube is invaluable. The appeal of video marketing is clear, and viewers' love for videos appears unending. To attract website visitors, prioritize producing top-notch videos, as YouTube's success hinges on content quality.

Showcase your videos on your website, blog, and various social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Reddit, and more. It's widely recognized that video content excels in driving traffic and engagement on social media. Ensure you update frequently. Inform your existing and potential customers about your YouTube content through your usual communication channels. Encourage them to spread the word by sharing your videos. 

If boosting traffic is your aim, YouTube marketing is the key. It's an essential tool in your digital marketing strategy, offering vast customer reach, heightened brand recognition, and enhanced customer engagement. 

Put to Good Use Less Popular Social Media Platforms

When most people think about the best social networking sites that increase website traffic they think about Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram. They are right but Reddit and Pinterest are two amazing social media platforms that can be beneficial for driving traffic to your Shopify store. Unfortunately, they often don’t get the credit they deserve.

Elevate Your Shopify Traffic with Pinterest

Pinterest is a visual social network for sharing pictures. However, is not just used for sharing pictures. It can be used for content marketing and for expanding online businesses. Pinterest is less popular than Facebook but it is the 14th largest social media network. In April 2023, Pinterest reported a global user base of 463 million active users monthly.

Pinterest demonstrates its power in helping users find trends and community-based features, which is beneficial for content marketers.

If you have a Shopify store, you can share images of your products on Pinterest. Imagine for example that you have a sports shop, and you have a new pair of seamless leggings with compression elements. It would be a great idea of posting them on Pinterest. You may even add pictures of fitness models wearing your new leggings. Given that seven out of ten Pinterest users are women, it’s a perfect platform for businesses targeting women.

Pinterest is definitely good for driving traffic to your website and you should try it. Remember, if you want to increase website traffic for your E-commerce store, you need to provide high-quality content. Quality pictures are the foundation of great content on Pinterest.

Boost Your Shopify Traffic with Reddit

Even though Reddit is often underestimated by entrepreneurs, it is a legit social media platform. Reddit has 55.79 million daily active users. This number appears to be growing. With such a big user base, Reddit is an effective marketing tool for boosting your web traffic.

People can share content on Reddit, and discuss it with each other. It’s also true that you can find a community for anything that interests you, starting from r/Whatcouldgowrong and finishing with r/Shopify. These communities are called subreddits. Users are permitted to share texts, photos, videos, and links. After a post has been published, users have the option to upvote it or downvote it, depending on how much they liked it. If the post gets a lot of upvotes, more people can see your post. The downvote button is super powerful. If your post gets a lot of downvotes, it won’t be visible to your visitors. That’s why you would want to add something important to the discussion. Reddit is not for marketers who rely on spamming approaches. To fight spammers, Reddit came up with “karma points”. The best way to have high karma is to make posts and comments that other Redditors find interesting and helpful. Each subreddit has its own set of rules and guidelines telling the kind of links, questions and comments can be submitted. If you fail to follow them, it leads to your ban. You won’t be able to post on that subreddit or leave comments. If you continue to break the rules on other subreddits you might be permanently banned from Reddit. What makes Reddit unique is the anonymity part. You should avoid being overly promotional. Does it mean that you can’t post links to your online store? Yes, you can, but you need to know the guidelines for self-promotion.

To post links to your Shopify store, you should have high karma and you should be an active member of the Reddit community. Make sure that you provide value because if your posts are all about you, Reddit will mark you as a spammer. Your posts will be removed and you won’t get any traffic. And if you got some money to spend, you can use paid ads to increase website traffic to your online store.  

For example, the subreddit r/reviewmyshopify serves as a platform for Shopify store owners and enthusiasts to share insights, seek feedback, and discuss strategies to enhance their online stores. One post highlights the importance of analyzing competitors' websites for inspiration, emphasizing the value of understanding product categories, crafting compelling descriptions, setting competitive pricing, and ensuring user-friendly website navigation. By learning from successful businesses and implementing effective marketing strategies observed from competitors, Shopify store owners can potentially increase traffic and sales. By asking other redditors to review your store, you can increase the amount of your website visitors. This subreddit has 20.8k members at the moment. 

If you own a small online business, you shouldn’t neglect using less popular social media platforms. They can help you stand out in a crowd of competitors.‍

Optimize Your Shopify Store for Mobile to Boost Website Traffic 

5.25 billion people are using smartphones worldwide in 2023. Mobile-friendly websites are a must-have today! With our phones always in hand, we can shop, order food, book tickets, and even pay taxes on the go. Plus, with affordable mobile internet, everything's just a tap away. Convenience at its best!

If you want more web traffic and trust from your audience, a mobile-friendly site is the key. Once a challenge for e-commerce sites, Shopify has you covered with mobile-optimized themes. If your store’s theme looks outdated, it might not be optimized for mobile. Consider updating it to ensure it’s current and mobile-friendly. 

How to check if your Shopify store is mobile-friendly?

A website with a responsive design will display properly on any device. When customers visit from their phones, they'll see a perfect fit. Digital Silk says it's also a big win for SEO. Why? Google loves mobile-friendly sites, and so do users. Want a top spot on Google? Make your site mobile-friendly. Not sure how? Dive into Google’s guide on mobile-friendly sites for tips and common pitfalls. And if you're wondering if your site's up to par, Google has a handy tool to check.

Google has a special tool that answers this question. It tells you if your website is friendly or not. The Google Mobile-Friendly Test checks if Google views your Shopify store as mobile-friendly.

Source: The Search Console mobile testing tool

Type the URL of your website into your browser.

Then click “CHECK PAGE”. It will evaluate the URL at various resolutions and display the test result.

Here are some important recommendations for you:

Avoid Flash on Your Shopify Store

There are several reasons why using Flash is bad for your website’s mobile responsiveness. Let’s start with the most obvious one. Not all mobile devices support Flash. The reason why it is not good is that people won’t be able to load your site properly. Plus, it affects your page’s load time.

Skip the Tiny Buttons on Shopify

The tiny buttons may give you trouble on your mobile phone. With tiny buttons, your “soon-to-be” customers won’t be able to click on them, and they can easily become annoyed. That’s why it makes sense to make your buttons bigger so they can work on their mobile phones. Testing each button on your iOS or Android device can help you understand if your buttons are properly sized. You’ll want to make your buttons “finger-friendly”. When your buttons are too close to each other it might be hard to press the right one. They must be well-spaced. 

Disable Autocorrect for Forms

The autocorrect feature is quite helpful but sometimes it can get a tad annoying. If your site has forms you should turn off autocorrect. These forms usually require names and addresses, and it turns names and addresses into more widely used words. By turning off autocorrect, you make sure that you are not driving people away from your website and that they aren’t leaving your site mid-purchase. 

Compress Images on Your Shopify Store

Images are a force to be reckoned with and are an important part of your content marketing strategy. They are nice to look at and make it easier for your potential customers to consume your content. Unfortunately, the large-sized wide images can slow down the loading speed of your website and they won’t look good on your mobile device. Speed and size do matter if you want to make a mobile website that turns visitors into customers. Visitors are more likely to shop on a mobile-friendly website. With the right image optimization strategy, you will make navigation easy. Compress your images but you need to make sure they still look sharp. 

Simply Shopify Store Design 

Web design is an important part of your online business. It helps you attract a large audience and improve the user experience. As a result, you can increase sales and boost conversion rates. According to Webdesignds, having a simple, clean, minimalistic web design makes it easier for your visitor to navigate your site on a smartphone screen. All you have to do is remove unnecessary web elements from your site. A website that has fewer elements and properly sized images loads faster. By simplifying your web design you receive SEO benefits.

Perform Mobile Testing as Often as Possible

If you want to deliver a great mobile user experience you need to test your website on your phone. You can ask your friends and employees to do the same. Just type the URL in your browser and press Enter. Spend some time browsing to check if everything is working correctly. Google is indexing your mobile page and it affects your site’s ranking and how much organic traffic you can drive to your website.

To maintain a strong SEO position, boost website traffic, and enhance customer satisfaction, it's essential to have a mobile-optimized Shopify store. 


Successfully driving traffic to your Shopify store is a blend of strategic marketing, quality content, and understanding your target audience. By leveraging SEO techniques, engaging in social media marketing, and optimizing your online store for mobile, you can significantly boost your store's visibility. The tips mentioned above can help you boost your website traffic. Remember, it's not just about attracting visitors but converting them into loyal customers. Continuously analyze your traffic sources, refine your strategies, and stay updated with e-commerce trends to ensure sustained growth for your Shopify store. 

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